Monday, October 23, 2006

oh blue heart

Do you realize how crazy this is?

I've woken up the last two mornings just craving you.
It isn't right. Why are we trying so hard to supress this?
The way we feel is real
This is the first real thing I've ever felt
Let's not push it away anymore
Let's just be

I would rather be with you than without you.
It doesn't matter how we feel.
I don't care what happened.
I don't mind no romance
I just want to be near you
Not for your love
Not for your kisses
Not for the sweet things you say
Not for holding hands
Not for touching your hair
Not for having you all to myself

Only for you
Only because you are my best friend
Only because I know you
And want to know you more
Only because I can't give up
On something so wonderful so easily
Two people who fit together so perfectly.

So there is an issue. Every couple has them
Every friendship struggles at times
Is it worth it, pushing it away?

Let's not pretend we don't have feelings.
Let's work through them.
Let's talk
Let's get together
Let's not give up on this solid, wonderful
meaningful, beautiful
That we didn't even work to achieve
That came so naturally
That happened for a purpose

Let's let it be what it is
And figure out something as we go
But let's talk
Please call me
And let's hang out
Because I miss you

Monday, October 02, 2006


You obviously have a hard time distinguishing
My art from fantasy
The weeping willow has put a damper
On our delightful day
I was regarding you, not by name, but by
Just wondering, just wondering what
You might say
In the very lowest part of my being
Is a novel premise
Whether or not you believe
My token commemoratory
Nonetheless, I've consulted a
Professional chemist
To decree that I can draw a lamp
From Memory